South Georgia

This remote island is home to several species of penguins and seabirds in addition to invasive species like reindeer and rats.

Once the site of a booming whaling industry, South Georgia also is the site of several eerily deserted whaling stations like Grytviken. 

Here in South Georgia, you will be impressed and humbled by the immense and beautiful landscapes and overwhelmingly abundant wildlife. 

If the landscape doesn’t impress you, visits to colonies of tens of thousands of King penguins will leave you speechless. 

The King penguin boasts an unusually long breeding cycle, therefore it is usually possible to view the birds at different stages of development. 

Colonies of Gentoo and Chinstrap penguins can also be seen, in addition to albatross, skuas, petrels, shags/cormorants, prions and gulls. 

South Georgia is also home to several thousand Antarctic fur seals, usually found on the beaches where you will land, so care must be taken to avoid them when walking about.